Guadagnare Salute

Epidemiologia e prevenzione delle malattie cerebro e cardiovascolari


Disease indicators

Prevalence - General population

In this page are presented the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (infarction, stroke, angina pectoris, intermittent claudication, TIA, atrial fibrillation) and the prevalence of revascularization and aortic coronaric by-pass procedures in the Italian general population.


Data have been collected within two surveys –first and second Osservatorio epidemiologico Cardiovascolare/Health examination Survey (OEC/HES) – that examined population samples located in all Italian regions between 1998 and 2002 (9612 men and women age 35-74 years examined) and between 2008 and 2012 (9111 men and women age 25-79 years examined).


Data shown here refer to the two samples of general population aged 34-75 years examined in 1998-02 (n=9612) and in 2008-12 (n=8141), are age-adjusted by direct methods, considering the European population at 2013 as the standard, and are presented by gender and time trends of means and proportions (with respective confidence intervals at 95%), and assessed at the two educational levels: LowEd (primary/middle school) and HighEd (high school/university).





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