CuoreData is a data query system of the Progetto Cuore that provides the main statistics on the health status of the Italian adult population; since the 80s data have been collected through population surveys using standardized procedures and methodologies to collect and measure risk factors, risk conditions, lifestyles, coronary and cerebrovascular diseases.
The available data include direct measurements taken on persons enrolled for the population surveys, as well as haematochemical tests.
The CuoreData platform allows to perform customized queries (by period, geographic area, gender, age group and educational level) in order elaborate data related to:
Sampling, stratified by age and sex, ensures the same age distribution in order to make comparisons by period, geographic area and sex.
Terms of use
Data drawn from the CuoreData platform can be used as presented on the site and must be accompanied by the following quote: "CuoreData, Progetto Cuore, Italian National Institute of Health, followed by internet address and date of consultation. More detailed information can be requested by e-mail from the CuoreData platform.
In addition to the data included in the queryable platform, data on menopausal women can be consulted.
Some results are excluded from the query if the selected population subgroup does not include sufficient numbers to ensure the reliability of the statistics.
© Istituto Superiore di Sanita (ISS)