The Cuore project - epidemiology and prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases – has been launched as “epidemiology and prevention of ischaemic heart diseases” in 1998 thanks to a financial support from the 1% of the National health fund. The project is coordinated by the National health institute (Istituto Superiore di Sanità - ISS).
Luigi Palmieri Department of Cardiovascular, Endocrine-metabolic Diseases and Aging
National Institute of Health (ISS), Rome Tel: +39 06 49904226 - Fax: +39 06 49904227 e-mail:
Chiara Donfrancesco Department of Cardiovascular, Endocrine-metabolic Diseases and Aging
National Institute of Health (ISS), Rome Tel: +39 06 49904229 - Fax: +39 06 49904227 e-mail:
ISS research group
ISS scientific and administrative secretary
© Istituto Superiore di Sanita (ISS)