The Biomarker for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment across Europe (BiomarCaRE) consortium is an EU-funded consortium including over 30 partner from academia and industry. BiomarCaRE aims to determine the value of established and emerging biomarkers to improve risk estimation of cardiovascular disease in Europe. BiomarCaRE relies on an exceptional resource of large scale epidemiological cohorts with long term follow-up and available bio specimens based on the population of the MORGAM Project as well as several cardiovascular disease cohorts and clinical trials. Among epidemiological cohorts, some of the CUORE Project were enclosed (Matiss). Uniquely, all epidemiological and clinical phenotypes as well as disease outcomes have been harmonized in a joint data base. Within BiomarCaRE, an interdisciplinary team with various expertise, the value of established and emerging biomarkers is determined across the cohorts using innovative approaches and technologies.
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